MXF Release Notes
October 2023
New Features
- Added Rentrak version code field to Edit versions page, and updated the API endpoints to include it.
September 2023
- Updated references and branding of Twitter to X.
April 2023
New Features
- Display Release Pattern on Release and Content+ records as a new field.
- Release pattern field will be editable on Release but not on Content+ version.
- On the Bulk Edit page, this field cannot be bulk edited.
- On the Release Schedule page, added filter for Release Pattern, so the movies can be filtered on the basis of it.
- On the Release Schedule page, added filter for Territories, so the movies can be filtered on the basis of it.
January 2023
New Features
- Display screenwriters as a new tab under Cast & Crew section.
- Screenwriters field will be editable on Master, Release and Content+ version.
- On the Bulk Edit page, this field can be bulk edited.
September 2022
New Features
- When viewing a film's details, the Original Title is now displayed underneath the Release Title.
February 2022
Bug Fixes
- When creating or editing a master movie or release the associated URLs under the social media fields (e.g. Facebook, YouTube, etc.) are now validated to be legitimate URLs. The same validation occurs on the bulk edit screen.
January 2022
Bug Fixes
- Fixed a bug where if a Content+ release is deleted, and then one with the same Title is re-created a modal will pop-up saying "this release exists".
- On the View Release page, under the Release Versions section fixed a bug where the languages would overflow their bounding box.
September 2021
New Features
- On the Create Release page, when creating a Release or Content+ release, in the territories of Belgium or Netherlands, a new field with a multi-select dropdown called Rating Reasons is displayed to adhere to the Kijkwijzer rating system.
- On the Distributor Requests page, when requesting a new movie in Belgium or Netherlands, the Rating Reasons multi-select dropdown will now appear.
- On the Bulk Edit page, only for Content+ releases in Belgium or Netherlands, Rating Reasons are now displayed but the field is non-editable.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed a bug on the Bulk Edit page, where classification does not display correctly.
July 2021
New Features
- On the Release Details page, under the Cast & Crew section, directors and producers are now in distinct sections.
- On any page with autofill text input to select an option for a field (e.g. Production Companies on the Release Details page, the displayed options are now sorted by Levenshtein distance.
- On any page with autofill text input, the returned display values have been increased to 200 entries.
March 2021
New Features
- Update the Apply Now form to include more countries, POS vendor, and the reason why the user is applying.
- In the User selection screen the roles assigned to a user are displayed for easy identification.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed a bug where the Weekly and Daily emails had not been sending.
- Fixed a bug on the Release creation screen where the page was not scrolling correctly.
- Updated the Terms and Conditions for using MovieXchange.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed a bug when the distributor field cleared the text while the users was typing.
- Fixed a bug where the territory selection on the Home Page was not remembering the last selected option.
- Fixed a bug where a user cannot search for a movie once they had already selected a movie, while creating a new movie request.
- Fixed a bug where there was a scrolling issue on multiple pages of the application.
- Fixed a bug where the order of the options in the Ratings dropdown of a release was not being honoured.
- Renamed the misleading label on the Missing Content Report from Filter by film to Filter by release
- Added an 8K option to the resolution list in the Release Versions section.
- While viewing the members of a role group the users are ordered by their active flags and inactive users are identifiable.
February 2021
Bug Fixes
- Fixed a bug where Bulk Copy Media was failing but no error message was being displayed to the user.
- Fixed a bug during the creation of a new master and/or release from the Request a new movie page.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed a bug when creating a new release from the Global Search saying that that the release already exists when the release does not exist.
January 2021
Bug Fixes
- Fixed a bug where entries in the Publishing queue were not always being marked as completed when they had completed successfully.
- Added new language options to the language selection.
November 2020
New Features
- Users that are able to edit release versions in their Content+ or the Official release will be able to use the Bulk Edit Release Versions functionality. The bulk editing of release versions allows the user to edit multiple release versions from multiple releases.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed a bug when the user navigated back to a release after bulk editing releases an error page was displayed.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed a bug where the incorrect Official release was being loaded when the user navigated to a Content+ release with an invalid URL. This happened after re-parenting a Content+ release.
- Fixed a bug where the link to a Content+ release in the Upload and Publish queue was redirecting to the incorrect Content+ release. This happened after uploading media to a Content+ release then re-parenting the Content+ release.
New Features
- Users that are able to manage the media for their Content+ or the Official release will be able to use the Bulk Copy Media functionality. The bulk copy of media allows the user to copy multiple media items to multiple releases. After the user has selected which media items they would like to copy the Copy Media button is enabled and the user is taken to a release selection screen.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed a bug where an admin user was unable to save certain fields when editing an organisation.
- Improved monitoring.
New Features
- Users that are able to edit media in their Content+ or the Official release will be able to use the Bulk Edit Media functionality. The bulk editing of media allows the user to edit multiple media items from multiple releases.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed a bug where admin users were unable to search for a user.
New Features
- As an extension to the Bulk Edit Release feature, where the user is able to edit multiple Content+ and Official Releases simultaneously, a new Copy button is now located next to each property on the Bulk Edit screen. When the users clicks on the copy button, the user is presented with the values for that particular field for each of the releases the user has selected to edit. The user is then able to select a value from the presented list.
October 2020
Bug Fixes
- Fixed a bug on the API where calls to the Movie Releases endpoint was returning an internal server error, response code 500.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed a bug where an error is displayed during the creation of a CDN white list entry for an organisation.
- Fixed a bug where an error is displayed during the deletion of a Content+ release when there were multiple Content+ releases for an Official release.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed a bug where the media from one of the Content+ Releases was displayed in the Media section after editing an Official Release. This happened for some users that have Content+ enabled and are able to edit Official Releases.
- Fixed a bug where a user from an organisation with Content+ enabled was not able to see the Media section for their Content+ release.
- Fixed a bug where the page would sometimes become unresponsive where the user clicked on the Create Content+ button.
New Features
The concept of Bulk Editing has been introduced with this feature. This allows users that have permission to edit Official Releases in multiple territories, or manage multiple Official Releases in a single territory, to apply their changes once and have them applied to all of the selected releases.
Organisations with Content+ enabled are also able to use the bulk edit functionality to manage their Content+ releases.
The Bulk Edit button is located next to the Edit button when the user is viewing an Official Release or a Content+ release.
Upon clicking the Bulk Edit button, the user will need to select the releases to edit from a list of releases that they are allowed to edit. Once the user has selected one or more releases, the Edit Details button takes them to the release details form where they will be able to edit the release information.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed a bug when a user, that is able to create Content+ releases, selects the Create Content+ option and tries to add media or edit external codes before saving. This caused an error message to appear and the user could not continue to save the Content+ Release.
- Improved the displayed message when a user tries to create a new user with an email address that already exists in the system.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed a bug when the user entered the edit state of the versions of a release and then navigated to another release, the versions section would remain in the edit state.
New Features
- Users that are able to create new Content+ release can now Re-Parent their Content+ release to another Official release in the same region and derived from the same master film.
September 2020
New Features
- Users that are able to create new Content+ releases are now also able to delete their Content+ releases.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed a bug where the web site occasionally stops responding after the user clicks Save when creating a new release.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed a bug where duplicate entries were being created with regards to the searching of releases.
- Fixed a bug where a release could not be created from the Release Request process due to the user’s territories not loading.
- Fixed a bug on the Release Dashboard where certain images were not loading.
New Features
- For organisations that have Content+ enabled, they will now be able to create multiple Content+ releases for any Official release. The user creating the new Content+ release would navigate to the Official Release and click on the Create Content+ button. The Create Content+ button is located next to the edit button. The user will then have the ability to edit the details and save their new Content+ release. Once saved the user will remain on the newly created Content+ release in view mode. The new Content+ release will appear in the navigation under the All releases button.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed a bug where duplicate master films were being created in the background without the user knowing.
- Fixed a bug where the user was unable to create a master film when a there was already a film with a similar title.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed a bug on the Search where the Release Date and Poster image were incorrect for some releases.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed a bug when the user clicked save whilst editing or creating a release that has an apostrophe (‘) in the title.
New Features
- The limitation of creating only a single release in a territory has been removed. Users with the ability to create new releases are able to create another releases in a territory with the restriction that the combination of Title, Distributor, Release Date and Promotional Language are not the same as an already existing release.
New Features
- For organisations that have Content+ enabled the Content+/Official Content toggle on the Release page has been removed and replaced with an indicator of the type of information the user is looking at, this is either Master in blue, Official release in pink, or Content+ in Orange. The user can navigate to their Content+ release by using the All releases button to bring up the navigation menu where all the Releases and their Content+ releases for the master film will be available. The Content+ release will be identified in the navigation by a C+ in an orange badge, and is slightly indented from the official releases.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed an bug in the Integration API that was degrading the performance of the API resulting in slower responses for requests.
August 2020
New Features
- Added the Promotional Language field to the release information. The Promotional Language field is required for an upcoming feature to assist in the identification the release but is not a mandatory field. Users that have the Content+ feature enabled have the ability to override the value set on the official release.
- A new resource has been added to the integration API that returns a list of the available territories associated with the authenticated user.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed a bug where the Cast & Crew fields are cleared when the user edits a release or master film. When the user adds a new Actor, Director, or Producer to the empty list and saves the release, the previous information is overwritten.
- Fixed a bug where the Missing Content Report returned an error when the Filter By Film field was left empty.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed a bug on the Release Dashboard where the territory filter was including territories from the organisation and not from the user’s profile. This happened when the user has a subset of the organisation’s territories linked to their profile.
New Features
- Organisations that have Content+ enabled are now able to manage the versions for their Content+ releases in the Versions section on the release page.
New Features
- A new release navigation on the release and master details page has been introduced. The new navigation can be opened when the user is on the release or master details page by selecting the button labelled All releases, which is found towards the top left hand corner of the details page. The pop out, that appears from the left hand side of the screen after clicking in the All releases button, will display a list of the territories that have a release linked to that master film that the user is allowed to access. When the user selects the territory, a list of releases in the territory is displayed with some basic information. If the user is able to see the master film, they will see an option labelled Master allowing the user to navigate to the master film.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed a bug where users that did not have the Organisations Admin privilege could navigate to the My Organisation page.
- Removed the Better on the Big Screen marketing campaign from the website. This campaigned was available to organisations that are based in New Zealand.
New Features
- Organisations that have Content+ enabled are now able to manage the external codes for their Content+ releases.
July 2020
- Decommissioned deprecated infrastructure.
- Improved the performance of loading Organisations on the Organisations page.
- Improved the performance of loading Organisations when creating or editing a user.
- Improved the performance of loading Production Companies when creating or editing a release or a master film.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed a bug in the web site’s film search where the order of the results were incorrect. An exact match was shown at the bottom of the list and not at the top as expected.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed a bug where a partial set of results was returned when the user supplied the Territory parameter while consuming the GetReleases endpoint on the API.
- Added validation to the users first name, last name and phone number fields when adding or editing user profiles.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed a bug when the users changes their language from the Manage Account page causes the web site to stop working as expected.
- Fixed a bug when saving an organisation after changing the My Cinema toggle causes a Failed to Save error to appear.
- Fixed a bug when using the global filter on the Manage Users page was not returning all the matching records.
- An improvement to searching has been made where accented characters (e.g. ö, à, ê) are returned when searching with their non-accented characters (e.g. o, a, e).
- Searching using the global filter on tables, such as organisations or users, includes a tolerance for spelling mistakes thus returning suggestions as well as items that match the filter value.
New Features
- Admin users can enable and manage organisations access to the MovieXchange CDN by adding the calling website URL to the CDN Whitelist.
June 2020
New Features
- Clients that have the Content+ module enabled and have populated their custom metadata fields on their Content+ releases are able to retrieve these fields from the API’s release endpoints.
New Features
- MovieXchange users can request for an admin user account to be given the role which will allow them to manage the user accounts for their organisation. This includes creating user accounts, assigning roles, and deactivating accounts. The new feature can be found under the Manage My Organisation page which is accessible through the Manage My Organisation option in the drop down menu located in the top right hand corner of the screen. If the user has permission to manage users, there will be a button in the top right hand corner of the page labelled Manage my organisation users.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed a bug when publishing the first media item for a particular role, that media item was not being assigned as the current item for that role by default.
- Changed the CDN cache expiration from 6 hours to 1 hour.
- Updated some underlying infrastructure.
New Features
- Users that are able to upload media on a release will now find a cloud icon in the right hand corner of the screen, next to the bell icon. By clicking on this icon the Upload and Publish queue will be expanded providing information on the user's most recent Upload and Publish jobs. Inside the queue the user will find the title of the release, the current status of the job, the number of items completed, and the number of items that still needs to be processed. The user can navigate to the release by clicking on the release title.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed a bug on the banner for the Better on the Big Screen campaign, where the Click here button was split over two lines on a smaller screen.
May 2020
New Features
- In conjunction with The New Zealand Motion Picture Industry Council (NZMPIC), MovieXchange has provided access to the marketing material created by NZMPIC for their Better on the Big Screen campaign to all Exhibitors and Distributors in New Zealand. The content can be found via a new link in the navigation bar title Better on the Big Screen or through the banner on the dashboard.
New Features
- Content+ clients can now create and populate their own custom metadata fields on their Content+ releases. The metadata fields can be managed from the My Organization page.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed a bug on the Release Dashboard where the poster of the release is stretched due to an unexpected aspect ratio of the image.
- Fixed a bug where the media on a release was appearing in the wrong tabs.
- Fixed a bug where the displayed image on a release that does not have an Official poster was not removed when the Unofficial poster is removed from the master film.
- Fixed a bug where an error was displayed to the user when they select an Unpublished Media item and then clicking on the the Edit Media button.
New Features
- Restricted distributor organisations from being able to have the Content+ module enabled.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed a bug where certain users were occasionally unable to login.
- Updated the underlying components used in the application.
- Published the updated Terms and Conditions. The updated Terms and Conditions can be accessed through the link at the bottom of the website and on the login page under the Terms of Use link.
April 2020
- Improved monitoring.
New Features
- Added a link to the Integration Documentation page. The link can be found at the bottom of the web site in between the Release Notes and Versions links.
- In the documentation page the MovieXchange Film logo, in the top left corner of the page, takes the user back to the MovieXchange website.
- Removed the Admin Dashboard as it was no longer used by administrators.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed a bug where the Short Synopsis field was not displaying that it has a 170 character limit when the user edits a release.
- Removed unnecessary automated scheduled tasks.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed a bug where the Coming Soon section would not load after the user logs in.
- Fixed a bug where the user was not informed why their new password was not accepted in the Reset Password process.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed a bug where permission changes were not being saved when a role is edited.
New Features
- Added the capability of allowing a user to select a language to translate the site into. As support for new languages are added the user will be able to select the language they would like the site to appear in by going to the Manage Account page, under the Language section.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed a bug where the Content+ information for Marketing & Social and Cast & Crew are displaying from the Official Content when viewing a release.
- Minor performance improvements when editing organisations.
March 2020
New Features
- Added a Release Notes page for users to see the changes that are being rolled out.
- Added a link to the release notes page. The link can be found at the bottom of the web site in between the Contact Us and Versions links.
- Automated retrieving and matching of organisations using the MovieXchange CDN.
- Exhibitors and Distributors can no longer mark media as Unofficial.
New Features
- API enabled clients can now opt in to receive a single Video Trailer file based on their selected Trailer Video quality setting. This new setting is located under the Manage API Settings menu option, in the Trailer Video section.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed a bug where updating the ICAA code on a Spanish distributor, the code did not propagate to the releases.
- Improved the performance of the Media Download Report.
New Features
- For clients that have the Content+ module enabled, clients may request for certain users to have the permission enabled to allow them to edit the media of a release.
New Features
- In the API, the basic release endpoint (api/releases/basic) now returns suggested releases in the response. The suggested releases are based on the titleTerm parameter supplied. If no titleTerm is supplied no suggested releases are returned.
- Removed the link to Download Manager from the web site as Download Manager has been deprecated.
- Update to the terms and conditions.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed a bug where emails were not being sent to users.
- Background improvements.
February 2020
- API enabled clients can set the desired quality of the trailer videos downloaded via the API based on the options ORIGINAL, HIGH, MEDIUM and LOW. This setting is located under the Manage API Settings menu option, in the Trailer Video section.
- Changed the quality of the transcoded video media to match the HIGH, MEDIUM and LOW options.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed a bug where Unofficial media was being displayed on the web site as Official media while uploading at a master level.
- Implemented domain names for the MXF CDN hosts. The new names are as follows:
- Security improvements.
- Update to the terms and conditions.
- Background improvements.
New Features
- Added a documentation and integration page located at
- Added a territory check when media is accessed to ensure that the correct media is returned for the correct territory.
New Features
- After video media is transcoded the resulting transcoded media is automatically linked to the original video media that had been uploaded.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed a bug where saving of a blank ICAA code on a distributor results in the distributor not being updated.
- Fixed a bug where the user was not being notified in the notifications page when new media was added to a release.
- Improved the sort and filter functionality on the Media Download Report page.
- Improved the Create Master Request process by opening the new release in Edit Mode rather than View Mode.
- Update to the terms and conditions.
- Added support for Spanish ratings on releases.